How do Education and Society Change in the Digital Age?
Bonn University and State Library & FIW Bonn Lecture
How do Education and Society Change in the Digital Age?
Digitization affects traditional societal knowledge and education structures and thereby our future knowledge. But, who are the new owners and managers of this knowledge and data-richness? What role do the old “educational elites”, new knowledge collectives and corporations such as Google and Facebook play? What power do increasingly automated processes such as machine learning, algorithms and artificial intelligence have on our knowledge? What does that mean for the conservation of and accessibility to cultural goods?
- Dr. Klaus Ceynowa, Generaldirektor der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek
- Prof. Dr. Valentin Groebner, Universität Luzern
- Constanze Kurz, Chaos Computer Club
- Prof. Dr. Martin Warnke, Universität Lüneburg
- Prof Dr Bettina Schlüter, FIW Bonn
Libraries as information service providers are in the midst of the digital revolution, hence, is Bonn University and State Library (ULB) the predestined host for a panel discussion on this topic. Meeting the challenges of a digital transformation successfully and co-designing it is a daily task for them and can only be achieved when they look outside into society and not only follow the discourse about digitization but actively participate in it. They are ready to take on their role and invited guests from academia and economy to weigh in.
In the End, it’s still about Knowledge
*Gut gebrüllt, Löwe!/ Well roared, lion!
Slowly but Pervasive
Education – Whose Task is it?
To Regulate or to Be Overruled
Knowledge Sharing & Acquisition – Irreplaceable Factor Human Experience