Agenda 2030 – Focus Science: Observers and Analysts
Climate, Governance, Scientific Research, Social Equity, Urban Development

#transformationtuesday – Politics, #doyouevenscience?! 🎓💪 . First session of this years lecture series on #Agenda2030 "A #ChangingWorld – Focus Science: Observers and Analysts" ('Die #WeltImWandel') #BonnerUniversitätsforum w/: – Prof. Dr. Ortwin Renn, scientific director Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. (IASS) – Dr. Bettina Schmalzbauer, manager German committee for Sustainability Studies in Future Studies – Dr. Adolf Kloke-Lesch, managing director Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Germany presented by #DeutscheWelleAkademie @inside_dw & @fiwbonn . Politics is in charge of implementing measurements to realize #UnitedNations #Agenda2030 's #SDGs. Nonetheless, due to its unique position and expertise science can have a powerful role in consulting politics and together, under a co-operation governance mode, they can co-produce relevant and implementable know-how. . For science to adequately fulfil this role (n/ losing their identity & values, tho), a new approach of #scientificresearch is needed. According to Prof Dr. Renn, a possible solution is #TransformationalSciences, unifying three distinctive research approaches: 1⃣ Classical – scrutinizing actions and identifying cause-effect relationships; using #SystemsTheory 2⃣ Advocacy – going beyond simple reporting of scientific findings, interpreting them and exploring possible scenarios and their implications for different society organisations, stakeholders – could be read as lobbies; #ModelingAndSimulation, incl. Expert Elicitation 3⃣ Catalytic – showing ways to overcome bottlenecks to reconcile agendas of various stakeholders, and pool their knowledge and expertise, for a particular unifying goal, e.g. SDG; applying #DesignThinking for implementation modelling . At the interface of science and politics, national and especially international information and #innovationhub s, e.g. local Knowledge-Action Networks, can function as conflict counselling for #SustainableDevelopmentGoals and identify achievement indicators to guide stakeholders from politics, science, society and economy in action-taking to contribute their fair-share in realizing a #SustainableDevelopment.
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