Answers to the Future – Fragile States
Under considerations of recent shifts in international peacekeeping missions underlying policies, their applicability and effects of deployed means for state building endeavours on fragile states ability and long-term development to become more stable ought to be scrutinized. Is the concept nation state reconcilable with different concepts of order in other countries and regions? How can they be established without in the process compromising those democratic values that it tries to produce?

Technology Up-Close: The Smartphone is Dead, Long Live the Wearable?
Recent technological advancements helped wearable virtual and augmented reality technology to become suitable for the masses and have a market breakthrough. How did the production environment of manual work change since then and where else are they applied in the B2B-environment? But, how to actually make a business case for wearables? What’s the consumer market’s reaction around the globe? Will wearable’s sales supersede and the technology eventually replace the smartphone? On the past, present and future of wearables and smartphones.

The Staccato-Society: Will People Inform Themselves and Communicate Differently in 2030?
New publicly available media production and broadcasting means stir up the news and information landscape, old institutions are thrown off and can’t fulfill their old functions, overburdening illiterate consumers and leaving society at large disoriented and in limbo about what is real and true and what is not. Are there any pros coming forth out of this development? What needs to be done to regain order and give direction?

Big Data & AI: Oil for New Businesses or Challenges for Privacy and Security?
Artificial intelligence (AI) and big data have developed tremendously over the last 70 years and enabled us to do things that we weren’t capable of before. But, do we actually want to do everything? Who is in possession of all that new knowledge and power? What rules and regulations ought to be applied for future developments beneficial for everyone?

How do Education and Society Change in the Digital Age?
Bonn University and State Library & FIW Bonn Lecture How do Education and Society Change in the Digital Age? Digitization affects traditional societal knowledge and education structures and thereby our future knowledge. But, who are the new owners and managers of this knowledge and data-richness? What role do the old “educational elites”, new knowledge collectives and […]

Answers to the Future – Population Growth
Ongoing population growth provokes a series of questions about its key drivers such as gender inequality and low educational standards, validity of current private and public sector economic development instruments, and the role new means such as social media and digitization can play in achieving 2030 Agenda’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – experts weight in as part of FIW Bonn’s 5th edition of ‘A Changing World’ event series.

Digitization of Healthcare
In the midst of accelerated digitization and ubiquitous proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and algorithms for improved system efficiency, the implications of preventable losses and forgone gains due to rash implementation decisions and hesitant behaviour are much more profound for health and healthcare than for other, more commercial products and sectors. The stakes are high for correct diagnosis and treatment, protecting patient records and assuring ethical integrity of health care.

200 Years University Bonn to Learning 4.0
34th Bonn Business Talk – Bonn Education 200 Years University Bonn to Learning 4.0 Higher education is changing: The Bologna Process, digitization and digitalization, formal, informal and non-formal educational offers and competition are challenges that universities and society have to face. Education pathways for Learning 4.0 – what will they look like? Is the Humboldt […]

Radical Cities and Rebel Democracies
PPP Workshop Radical Cities and Rebel Democracies During last week Tuesday’s closing event of Postdemocratic Picture Party’s exhibition “I got a Feeling of Democracy when it was gone” at Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb) in Bonn, I engagée Magazin joined the party and took us on a tour through “Radical Cities and Rebel Democracies”. Here […]

Measuring Urban Resilience and Evaluating Impacts
Resilient Cities 2018 – ICLEI Global Measuring Urban Resilience and Evaluating Impacts How Resilient Is Your City? City Resilience Profiling Tool is published as part of the Resilient Cities 2018 – The Global Forum on Urban Resilience series and discusses at hand of local, national and international examples from Mozambique, Bloomington (USA), Germany and the EU […]
Hi, I’m Jan-Frederic. Besides stoically gazing into the future, I like to contemplate and write about everything that moves the past, present and future of our human existence, especially in the urban context, into the right direction.
Ray Dalio – Principles: Life and Work
“The world will ask you who you are, and if you do not know, the world will tell you.” – Carl Jung
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