How Resilient Is Your City? City Resilience Profiling Tool
Resilient Cities 2018 – ICLEI Global How Resilient Is Your City? City Resilience Profiling Tool How Resilient Is Your City? City Resilience Profiling Tool is published as part of the Resilient Cities 2018 – The Global Forum on Urban Resilience series and covers UN Habitat City Resilience Profiling Programme’s (CRPP’s) urban resilience assessment, advocacy and enhancement […]

CitiesIPCC: Science for Effective City Climate Action and Resilience Building
Outcomes and discussion from CitiesIPCC on how to design a cooperative science-politics policy making and research agenda for streamlined city climate action adaptation and implementation.

Smart Kids: Competencies in the Digital Society Right From the Start
Media educator Kristin Narr discussed with teachers and other attending educational players at Werkstatt.bpb’s Education Salon “Smart Kids” which skills and competencies kids require to safely maneuver in the digital society and how media education at school as well as at home should look like to mediate media literacy.

Standardized Support Tools for Urban Resilience, Integrating Resilience Planning into Local Decision-Making
Resilient Cities 2018 first roundtable on developing standardized risk-oriented resilience assessment tools of local climate change impact and vulnerabilities as well as balancing complexity, capacity and consistency to be flexible for local application while remaining compatibility between cases.

Driving Transformative Climate Change Adaptation in Cities Through Nature-based Solutions
Nature-based Solutions (NBS) their multiple benefits for urban resilience and adaptation to climate change, transforming urban spaces and planning processes in the interests of more livable and resilient cities, and the supportive framework conditions for implementing and mainstreaming NBS.

Assessing Urban Risk and Vulnerability and Prioritizing Action
Resilient Cities 2018 – ICLEI Global Assessing Urban Risk and Vulnerability and Prioritizing Action Assessing Urban Risk and Vulnerability and Prioritizing Action is published as part of the Resilient Cities 2018 – The Global Forum on Urban Resilience series and takes us from prioritization of actions and investments in policy decisions in Can Tho (Vietnam), Addis Ababa […]

Brokering New Partnerships & Stimulating Private Sector Engagement for Resilience
Identifying and unveiling the dormant potential of private sector Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises’ (MSMEs) climate change adaptation gap and implementing Nature-based Solutions (NBS) as a Disaster Resilience Enhancement (DRE) tool with benefits for multiple sectors.

Vientiane – From Small Capital to Metropolis
With an urbanization rate of 33% and Vientiane as its leading force, Laos is currently on the urbanization-highway. Opening up to free-market mechanisms in order to follow up with and utilize Asia’s regional political and economical growth, by means of attracting Direct Foreign Investment, gives rise to the question of who’s the actual driver of Laos economic as well as socio-spatial and cultural development, and if the direction the country is heading towards is compatible with the ideas of the Laotian population.

Resilient Cities 2018 – The Global Forum on Urban Resilience
Resilient Cities 2018, organized by ICLEI, offered a dialogue forum for international climate stakeholders to track progress on the resilience targets of SDG 11 and implementing Agenda 2030, exchange knowledge and determine what further climate actions need to be taken to make our cities more resilient and develop a new and sustainable type of urban development, reconnecting men and nature rather than defending men from nature.

Resilient Urban Futures: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go
Resilient Cities 2018 – ICLEI Global Resilient Urban Futures: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go Resilient Urban Futures: Where we are and where we need to go is published as part of the Resilient Cities 2018 – The Global Forum on Urban Resilience series and contains a summary with key messages from , […]
Hi, I’m Jan-Frederic. Besides stoically gazing into the future, I like to contemplate and write about everything that moves the past, present and future of our human existence, especially in the urban context, into the right direction.
Ray Dalio – Principles: Life and Work
“The world will ask you who you are, and if you do not know, the world will tell you.” – Carl Jung
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