Phenomenon-based Learning & Teaching in Finish School System’s New National Curriculum
Read on Finland’s new national curriculum and how the Finnish school system’s phenomenon-based learning and teaching system, and tutor teaching model is intended to take on challenges like decreasing PISA scores, digitalization and increasing multicultural teaching requirements.

News, Fakes & Co. – Introduction to the Lecture Series
Bonn University Lecture Series – News, Fakes & Co. Introduction to the Lecture Series Session title and speaker Introduction to News, Fakes & Co. – Prof. Dr. Volker Kronenberg, Dean of Studies of the Philosophical Faculty and Academic Director of the Institute for Political Science and Sociology of Bonn University News: The Known Unknown – PD […]

Feature Friday – Abenteuer Erde: Wildes Kanada
No plans this evening? No Netflix account? I got you fam! Hop over to our friends from WDR and enjoy the documentary Wildes Kanada.

Opportunities and Challenges en route to Realizing Agenda 2030 – The Role of Cities
LAG21 Closing Event Opportunities and Challenges en route to Realizing Agenda 2030 – The Role of Cities As part of LAG21’s Global Sustainable Municipality in NRW (GNK NRW) Closing Event, Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner (German Development Institute/ Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE); German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU)) gave a keynote on the path dependency of […]

Background and Results of ‘Global Nachhaltige Kommune (GNK) NRW’ (Globally Sustainable Municipalities)
As part of LAG21’s Global Sustainable Municipality in NRW (GNK NRW) Closing Event, Annette Turmann (Service Agency Communities in One World) and Dr. Klaus Reuter (LAG21) presented background information and results of the project that began 2016 and ended this year April and saw the participation of 15 model municipalities of 19,000 and up to one million inhabitants. Their commitment to implement Agenda 2030 and realize individual SDGs is reflected in their financial commitment and newly created strategic planning within GNK NRW.

Agenda 2030 as a Global Framework also for Municipalities
As part of LAG21’s Global Sustainable Municipality in NRW (GNK NRW) Closing Event, Jens Martens from Global Policy Forum addressed the relevance of Agenda 2030 as a guiding framework, not only on the state and regional, but also on the local level. In order to implement Agenda 2030 on the local level, individual SDG indicators need to be determined and subsequently monitored. In the process, networking and knowledge sharing between municipalities can help to accelerate the progress among them and upstream information sharing inform the state and country level. In the end Martens proposes six key areas of activities to overcome four future challenges he identifies to localize SDGs.

Feature Friday – Beyond The Cult Of Human-Centered Design
Feature Friday Beyond The Cult Of Human-Centered Design [Picture: Bernhard Lang/Getty Images] Find a summary of the article below; to access the full version visit FastCoDesign.com. Negative Product or Service Design Features While human-centered design and design thinking focuses on empathy and understanding users, their values and experience, designing for the individual can have disastrous long-term […]

Global Sustainable Municipality in NRW (GNK NRW)
In total 15 model municipalities participated at Global Sustainable Municipality in NRW (GNK NRW) [eng: Global Sustainable Municipality in NRW] and came together at LAG21’s (Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft 21/ Federal State Working Group 21) Closing Event to talk about the process and results of implementing their own local sustainability strategy to realize Agenda 2030’s SDGs.

Jakarta – Between Cultural Diversity and Religious Division
VHS Bonn Lecture – Southeast Asia Jakarta – Between Cultural Diversity and Religious Division [Picture: Bagus Ghufron] Jakarta, capitol of Indonesia, is the biggest city of South-East Asia and possess a 13-times higher population density than the Ruhr area in Germany. Most recently, changing social dynamics led to religious-political tensions in the capitol of a country that was […]

Urban Development and Modernization in Kigali
As promulgated in Rwanda’s Vision 2020 and outlined in Kigali’s Masterplan 2040, Kigali aspires to be a leader in city development, and a “City of Urban Excellence” in lifestyle and work-life balance by 2040. The projected population growth of Kigali, rising from 1.3 million in 2012 to 3.8 million in 2040, bears the hope of changing the character and thus external perception of the city, of transforming it into a metropolis with a vibrant economy and increased internationality and cultural diversity.
Hi, I’m Jan-Frederic. Besides stoically gazing into the future, I like to contemplate and write about everything that moves the past, present and future of our human existence, especially in the urban context, into the right direction.
Ray Dalio – Principles: Life and Work
“The world will ask you who you are, and if you do not know, the world will tell you.” – Carl Jung
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