A Matter of Everyone’s Leadership
How your business performs seems to be at the mercy of every of your team members performance and contribution. Instilling leadership in every professional and personal capacity is up to you nonetheless.

Bonn’s Fear of Heights
VHS Bonn Event – Urban Development in the City of Bonn Bonn’s Fear of Heights [Picture: © Axel Kirch / CC BY-SA 4.0 (via Wikimedia Commons), CC BY-SA 4.0, Link] . Speaker Dr. Martin Bredenbeck Nikolaus Decker Sigurd Trommer #Bonn's Fear of Heights – Vertical #densification as the only solution for Bonn reaching […]

Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One
Living in creation versus living in survival. In the context of our modern world which would you choose? Read on at February’s Read!

How Social is Our Market Economy?
To what extent is our market economy a suitable economic framework to guarantee a good life for everyone? What role do corporations play? Which values and guiding principles provide direction for entrepreneurial action? What are the opportunities and limits of Corporate Social Responsibility?

Smart City Bonn – What is it good for? What does it cost?
Growing digitalization covers all areas of life: work, mobility, education, home & living, shopping – everything is transforming. City of Bonn wishes to become a Smart City too, to become more environmental friendly and increase the Quality of Life of its citizens. What has Bonn already achieved in the quest of becoming a Smart City? What does it offer to whom? At what cost?

Shanghai – An Asian Metropolis with European Influences
VHS Bonn Lecture – South-East Asia Shanghai – An Asian Metropolis with European Influences By J. Patrick Fischer – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link Shanghai is one of China’s 13 metropolises, the country’s biggest city and one of China’s main industrial centers. Throughout history Europe and the US, having their own concessions carved out after the First Opium […]

Bottom-Up Urban Development – What does Transition actually do?
To prevent further transgressing planetary boundaries and rectify social and environmental injustices, Transition Town movements that build on a bottom-up approach can demand politics and economy to place humanity and the individual back at the center of economic activities and decision making.

Between Rebellion and Global City – Participative Urban Development in the Maghreb
Competition between cities to become the next global city has internationalized and opened up an opportunity for the Maghreb to set one of their own cities on the map of global significance. Increased international political power and economical wealth can be gained. But what about the people on the road to achieve this quest? Do they have to give way to the accompanying urban development?

Sound and Effective Infrastructure – The Right Way for Africa’s Development
A closer look at the upcoming generation change in sub-Saharan Africa that could help getting a grip on political corruption and direct resources improving the transportation infrastructure to leave its colonial past behind, improve the economic situation and ameliorate citizens’ standard of living.

The Art of Creating Your Life, with Terry Crews and Tim Ferriss
Think about your life as a piece of art and you as its creator. Terry Crews on how to have, do, and be all you want by laying off the mask of masculinity and winning the confidence game by backing everything up with thoughtful movement.
Hi, I’m Jan-Frederic. Besides stoically gazing into the future, I like to contemplate and write about everything that moves the past, present and future of our human existence, especially in the urban context, into the right direction.
Ray Dalio – Principles: Life and Work
“The world will ask you who you are, and if you do not know, the world will tell you.” – Carl Jung
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