Social Media
FIW Agenda 2030 Event Series
In the 4th edition of FIW’s event series “Die Welt im Wandel” in cooperation with GIZ, DW Akademie and the Liaison Office of the UN City of Bonn the focus was on the “Agenda 2030” and the aim to put oneself in the position of those players who are accountable for its implementation. Together with experts from science, policy, civil society and various fields of international co-operations a closer look was taken at the current status of the implementation processes and its diverse dimensions – how the Agenda changes guiding principles for governments, what role science and media play in critical research and media coverage, and how significant international players influence the implementation of these development goals.
Published Coverage Reports
- Focus Us: It Depends on All of Us, 2018-02-06
- Focus Media: The Right of Access to Information. 2018-01-17
- Focus Government: New Ways of Thinking and Doing Politics in Germany and Partner Countries, 2017-12-12
- Focus Cities and Regions: Think Globally, Act Locally, 2017-11-21
- Focus Global Player: The US and Climate Policy, 2017-11-06
- Focus Sciences: Observers and Analysts, 2017-10-24
- FIW Event Website
- Program Flyer
- Bonn University, @UniBonn
- FIW Bonn, @FIW_Bonn
- City of Bonn, @BundesstadtBonn
- DW Akademie, @DeutscheWelle
- giz (German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH), @giz_gmbh